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Leadership and Commitment

Leaders serve

Leaders exist to ensure the success of their team or group.  It is that simple.  We exist to ensure the success of our clients.  We aspire to the leadership philosophy described in the video.

Plan and Execute

Design is key.  Technical design is necessary, but alone it is not enough.

Our technical design principles apply to building client relationships.  The same discipline and care is used to assemble teams and organize support.

Our own design goals inform how we manage projects, document systems (configuration management) and govern operation of the resulting systems (IT Service Management).

Design Goals

Create Utilities - Utility is an important cloud computing design principle.  It is the concept of using the resource you need, only for as long as you need it.  Like electricity and water, our goal is to make technology and technical expertise available and immediately accessible.

Encapsulate - Well-written software is built from components with very specific functions.  A great deal of complexity may exist inside the components, but the required input and resulting output is concise.  We apply that principle to all of our work.

  • Our systems are built from reusable components whenever possible, ensuring reliability, rapid delivery and reduced cost.
  • We engage professional resources in much the same way.  Clearly defined tasks and responsibilities make it possible to plug in technical resources while reducing dependence on specific individuals.  We strive for resilient teams.
  • Encapsulation requires well-defined interfaces.  Clean design and concise documentation make our products operable.  Customers can use our systems without concern for the internal details.


Process guides our teams.  Process guides technical construction.  Process guides operations.  Continued process improvement is our most important process.  Complete System Design, Inc. uses IT Service Management software and IT Asset Management software to support our processes and ensure internal compliance.


We own our work.  Our business is delivering functionality, not just software or computing capacity.  Our systems are delivered on cloud infrastructure managed by our extended team.  We are responsible to our clients for both the conceptual and actual functionality of the systems and services we deliver.

Leadership is service

We subscribe to the principle that the highest purpose of a leader is to serve.  That service requires organization.  It frequently requires providing expertise and direction.  Ultimately, leadership is service.

Simply computing...